Your photo ran. Now what?

Your first news photo ran paid.  Congratulaions - but now what?
First - assuming you shot it digital, now near-certain - you need to set up a filing system if you haven’t yet.  It’s very easy for digital - unlike extremely difficult for film, which is why it took Dirck Halstead months to find that iconic photo he’d shot of Monica Lewinsky dreaming in Bill Clinton’s arm as a crowd stared.  (Time ran that photo as its cover - assuring Clinton’s impeachment.)  Set up folders and subfolders for each story you shoot.
But - most of all - keep any photo you submit, much less every photo that actually runs; I don’t care on what story.  That scrawny high-school football player really may make the NFL some day - or run for president; the latter has happened at least once - with the incredibly scrawny guy becoming a serious contender, not just a candidate.
My first photo to run paid was shot on film in the early 1980s - a badly wrecked high-dollar small plane.  It ran the next day with credit - and, now, neither the Greensboro News & Record nor I can find it!
So - when your first runs, no matter what it is - get it printed 8”x10” and framed and hang it somewhere.  It may cost much of what you get paid.  But - years later - you’ll be glad you did.

My first news photo to run in an a NYC daily.
Kodak files bankruptcy.
Ran front page that morning, New York Post.