What do you shoot when nothing’s happening?
January 30, 2017 What do you shoot when nothing’s happening? When nobody’s protesting or rioting, when no politician’s campaigning or making an appearance, nobody’s having a formal wedding they want you to shoot, and no promising athlete is playing?
My answer is everything and anything - as in the bewildering assortment of logos; yes, such photos do sell. Companies later make news - if not at the time - when one buys out another; I sold a photo of the stylized front of a major area supermarket chain (below) when it later was bought out by a national chain. Carmakers may later make news - for all the wrong reasons, such as their make being discontinued in the U.S. market. Photos of spinoff products based on TV series people may sell - as one based on “Duck Dynasty” did for me when that show made news for its characters’ views on gays and lesbians.
Ideally, you place such photos with an agency - but, if the agency you used goes out of business, you will have to find another or market the images yourself.
A photo of this major supermarket chain’s stylized decor sold when the chain sold