Shooting perfect macros - but where?
May 15, 2020
Lighting is one very big problem in shooting good macros - but hardly the only
“Where” is the other big problem. Putting a background atop the bed’s top works -
but leaves much to be desired in terms of angles and heights.
The solution is a standup desk for a laptop computer. The angles are perfect; so are
possibilities for additional lighting.
The laptop desk I found was free - discarded locally. It obviously had mainly been |
used as a craft and work place - cut and paint marks showed that. But a couple pieces
of cheap foamboard would fix that fine for shooting macros; I’d suggest one white one -
and the other light blue one side, dark blue other side.
The supports - and it’s on casters - would work perfectly for any additional lighting
needed; so would the high top “desk.”
See how perfectly it worked shooting macros of damage for a consumer complaint
(photo below).